Thursday, October 1, 2009

Harassed to Death over Debt

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Widow sues debt collector, claims wrongful death

Friday, September 25, 2009

A widow claims that debt collectors hounded her husband to death with as many as nine caustic calls a day, causing stress that contributed to his fatal heart attack. She's suing the Florida couple's mortgage company in an unusual wrongful-death case.

An executive at Green Tree Servicing called the claim "outrageous and meritless."

Dianne McLeod said the collection calls from Green Tree Servicing, sometimes as many as nine a day, intensified in August 2005 and wore on her husband's health.

Some calls were recorded on the family answering machine. Howard is eager to play them for a jury.

Howard said the number and harassing tone of the calls broke Florida law. He said the company also illegally called a neighbor and McLeod's brother and grandson.

"What happened to Stanley McLeod happened to a lot of people," said Howard, who has about 500 cases that claim undue harassment.

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