Thursday, February 4, 2010

Seven Principles for Free Government

Excellent! I think I'll review one of these principles each day of the week.
clipped from
Precisely because Americans are easily distracted--because, as study after study shows, they are clueless about their rights--and because the nation’s schools have ceased teaching the fundamentals of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights--the American governmental scheme is sliding ever closer toward authoritarianism. This is taking place with little more than a whimper from an increasingly compliant populace that, intentionally or not, has allowed itself to be brainwashed into trusting their politicians.
If the people have little or no knowledge of the basics of government and their rights, those who wield governmental power inevitably wield it excessively. After all, a citizenry can only hold its government accountable if it knows when the government oversteps its bounds.
The following seven principles--ones that every American should know--undergird the American system of government and form the basis for the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for.
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