Thursday, January 29, 2009

First Criminal Government Brought Down By Riots

...and there will be more as they circle around the globe and eventually reach here.

First Criminal Government Brought Down By Riots

Posted by Rick Williams on Sun, 01/25/2009 - 5:31pm
Like a swarm of locusts the bankers came-- and they ate everything.
Last Thursday, Prime Minister Geir Haarde confidently announced that his government was "fully functional" and his ruling coalition intact. A sure sign of trouble-- whenever politicians or banksters tell us things like that, WATCH OUT.
Well, Haarde's car got pelted by eggs and cans Thursday night in the latest of Iceland's steady stream of riots, and the courageous PM quickly rethought his position. On Friday, Haarde said he would quit
More than 6,000 demonstrators stood outside Iceland's parliament on Saturday, dismissing the Prime Minister's promise to resign and demanding that the Haarde government step down immediately.
"How is it possible to sit at home and not protest against the complete misuse of power we have had to suffer as a nation?
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