Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Is Someone []You Know] Spying On Your Cell-Phone Calls?

Technology changes so fast it is hard to keep up with it.
clipped from

How suspicious spouses, protective parents, and concerned companies are turning to cheap and hard-to-detect commerical spyware apps to monitor your mobile communications.

Sometime in early 2007, Richard Mislan, an assistant professor of cyberforensics at Purdue University, started getting phone calls and e-mails from people around the world—all looking for help with the same problem. “They thought someone was listening in on their cell-phone calls,” he says. “They wanted to know what they could do to confirm it was happening.”

what they can effectively do, for as little as $15 or as much as several hundred, is track a person with a precision once relegated to federal authorities. “Not only can you look at a person’s e-mail or listen to their calls, in some cases you can also just turn on the microphone [on a smart phone] and listen to what the person is doing any time you want,”
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