Sunday, July 4, 2010

How Legal Service Plans Benefit You

Legal Services are a type of Legal Insurance. Unlike auto insurance where you hope you never have to use it, legal plans often allow you to exert your rights meaning cash rewards. It is good for you and the country when you stand up for what is right by exerting your rights. It also protects people coming behind you. Contact me to learn how you can start making money off of lawyers or visit to watch 2 minute video.

Legal Service Plans and the Legal Services Industry

Michigan Lawyers Weekly Michigan Lawyers Weekly (MLW), a Dolan Media Company publication, recently published a round-up story on prepaid legal plans, including those of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. and other industry providers.  This piece offers a perspective on the prepaid legal service industry. 

Randy Ordway, a partner with Powers, Chapman, DeAgostino, Meyers & Milia, P.C., the Pre-Paid Legal provider law firm in Michigan, offered a perspective on the industry and Pre-Paid Legal Services.  His comments lead off the story.

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