Thursday, July 22, 2010
Free Droid X Now Available on Blastoff Wireless
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Climate Change Causes Episode 1-It's All About Carbon
Would you rather learn about climate change through public broadcasting or commercial driven television?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Power of Half
There is a good video explanation at the site.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How Legal Service Plans Benefit You
Jackson Browne - For America
I was made for America
I can't let go till she comes around
Until the land of the free
Is awake and can see
Until her conscience has been found"
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Jefferson vs. Lincoln: Who is your hero?
Getting back to basics is a way to step ahead. After all, it is hard to rid the world of that which is self-evident and resonates in the heart of every lover of freedom. Lincoln's way has proven to fail and the corruption is so vast today that the world waits to see if it can be stopped.
July 4 is a good day to make a political resolution to do something different this year. If we don't change, how can we expect to reap something different than what we have?
"If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve |
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Is Someone []You Know] Spying On Your Cell-Phone Calls?
what they can effectively do, for as little as $15 or as much as several hundred, is track a person with a precision once relegated to federal authorities. “Not only can you look at a person’s e-mail or listen to their calls, in some cases you can also just turn on the microphone [on a smart phone] and listen to what the person is doing any time you want,” |
Monday, June 28, 2010
What to Do When They Come for You
June 09, 2010
T-Mobile Anti-Union Policies and Actions
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
How to gut a nation
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Is This The Reason for 500,000 Coffins Outside Atlanta?
Where courage is a thing of the past
Houses are haunted, children are unwanted
The next day could be your last
We live in a political world
The one we can see and can feel
But there’s no one to check, it’s all a stacked deck
We all know for sure that it’s real
~ Bob Dylan
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Israel Smothering Jewish Dissent+
Some Israeli politicians are calling for further restrictions still, like quoted in the bottom of this clip: Knesset action.
Yesterday one of the few Arab members of the Israel parliament, the Knesset was opposed by a mob of other members of the Knesset when she wanted to speak.
When she finally made it to the podium, her speech was stopped by interruptions and security led her away.
There is, of course, a double standard here: the Israeli who illegal keep expanding the settlements are drenched in money from the US, but there is no suggestion of restricting them.
We may not realize this; it's hidden: But the current 'flavor,' of Zionism is not the only one. It didn't have to be this way.
It's like the USA if we had a President Cheney or some other Darth Vader in power.
Nazi Zionism is not the only way to go.
The Movement to Smother Solidarity -- From Israel to Ethiopia to Honduras Everyone now knows the Israeli navy committed a machine-gun massacre on a ship in international waters that was carrying humanitarian aid for the blockaded people of Gaza, who Israeli officials joke they have "put on a diet". The boat was armed with Holocaust survivors, Nobel Peace Laureates food, medicine, cement to rebuild bombed-out homes the Israeli government is slowly obstructing and silencing the organizations within Israel that are trying to get the country on to a saner and safer path
Irish News on Israel Seizing Aid Ship
1. International humanitarian law prohibits starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is also prohibited to impose collective punishment on civilians,"
2. Israel's blockade of Gaza was illegal
Not only are these core ideas not presented in all of the U.S. media I've seen -- the spin is actually how the Israeli Massacre at Sea was all the fault of the aid workers, or Hamas.
We keep hearing the big lie and not the truth.
Who the heck, even, is Rachel Corrie?
Now we find out (because I didn't know) she was a USA female college student who sat down in front of an Israeli IDF bulldozer, trying to prevent the ongoing demolition of Palestinian homes.
The bulldozer ran over her.
There was no other way of removing a young woman from in front of a bulldozer? She couldn't be dragged away?
No: Like the Massacre at Sea we see clearly - it's always the 'hard fist,' the harshest response, the Nazi solution.
Seized 'Rachel Corrie' ship Former UN assistant secretary general Denis Halliday and Nobel peace laureate Mairéad Maguire were among the Irish citizens on board the 1,200-tonne ship, which was shadowed by Israeli ships since dawn.
The crew had rejected a deal to unload its cargo in Israel and accompany it across the border.
the ship would have no part in a deal that involved legitimising the siege of Gaza. |
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Why Don't More Women Sue Their Rapists?
Our spirit is in discord until we have a sense of justice. When we fail to exercise this built in mechanism that warns us that something is wrong, a nation such as ours (free) becomes all the more at risk to tyrants wanting to trample over all our rights. By finding the means and courage to resist the evil and seek justice you help preserve a free nation.
"Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Because the Supreme Court took away part of the Violence Against Women Act.
The rationale behind VAWA, which Congress passed in 1994, was simple enough: Rape, a crime committed mostly against women and girls, constituted a brutal violation of their civil rights. Lawsuits could help victims hold rapists accountable. The federal law also made it easier for women to sue by extending the statute of limitations to four years. A 2004 study of sex crimes in Philadelphia and Kansas City, Mo., found that only half of the cases that resulted in an arrest were prosecuted. Victims need the weapon of a lawsuit because the criminal courts don't always serve their interests. |
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I didn’t think I was a negative person until I read this
I stumbled upon this in the process of setting life goals. Setting goals involves motivation and motivation involves attitudes and attitudes require you to look at your habits of thought. Are they mostly positive or negative? I read this and can relate to most of these descriptions. |
Sunday, May 9, 2010
How would my work stand up against the work of others in my field?
Before you go running off to what you think are greener pastures, make sure that your own is not just as green or perhaps even greener. Take the time to stand off and look at your work as a stranger might
The first thing we need to do to become a “diamond miner” is to break away from the crowd and quit assuming that because people in the millions are living that way, it must be the best way. It is not the best way. It’s the average way. There are better ways to do what you are presently doing. What are they? How good am I at what I’m presently doing? Can I call myself a first-class professional at my work? How would my work stand up against the work of others in my field? Do I know all I can about my industry or profession? |
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Empire Pathology: More US soldiers commit suicide than killed in action
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New Phishing Scheme: Hi, I’m Stranded In London and...
5% of ID Thieves are caught, mainly because no one has the means to fight back.
I offer Identity Theft Shield for about 40 cents a day. Learn more by watching this video - A midlength spot on the growth of identity theft and related criminal activity, as well as how to protect yourself. Featuring former SC Representative and identity theft expert John Gardner, this video explains how personal information is leaked, the damage that victims suffer, and the value and opportunity to be found in services designed to protect one's identity. My contact info is on the video.
Hi, ![]()
Polish President Plane Crash: Video Author Assassinated?